
What is WPYB-CU Uniqueness Certificate?

  • 30/08/2024
What is WPYB-CU Uniqueness Certificate?

WPYB-CU uniqueness certificate is a digital certificate created using blockchain technology that verifies the authenticity of a product. This certificate securely stores data collected throughout the entire process from the product's design to its production and prevents the alteration of this information.

Advantages of Using Blockchain in the Fight Against Product Counterfeiting

Transparency: All information, such as the product's production process, raw material sources, and distribution channels, is transparently recorded on the blockchain. This allows consumers to easily verify the authenticity of the product.

**Reliability:** With blockchain technology, altering data is nearly impossible, which enhances the reliability of the product's authenticity.

Traceability: The entire journey of the product, from its production to reaching the consumer, can be tracked on the blockchain. This makes it possible to access detailed information about the product's history.

Quick Verification: Consumers can quickly verify the product's authenticity using their smartphones or other devices.

Cost Reduction: Blockchain technology significantly reduces the costs associated with fighting product counterfeiting.

Brand Reputation: Companies that prioritize authenticity strengthen their brand reputation, earning consumers' trust.

Protect your brand with the services provided by WPYB Turkey.

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