What is a Brand Volunteer?

Products subject to **intellectual property rights** are divided into two categories: **works of thought and art**, which fall under copyright, and **industrial property rights**, which primarily cover trademarks, patents, and designs. **Intellectual property rights** refer to all tangible and intangible rights one can hold over a work, invention, design, or brand, as well as other related rights. Intellectual property is essentially a product of thought belonging to an individual or organization, and they can later choose to share or control its use in specific ways.

What is Copyright?
Copyrights are legally protected rights granted to the creator of a work, bearing the creator's unique characteristics, as defined by copyright law. Copyrights automatically come into existence when a creative work is produced, unlike trademarks, patents, and designs, which require registration. The **Universal Declaration of Human Rights**, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, protects authors' rights under **Article 27**, recognizing them as human rights. In Turkey, copyright is protected under **Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works**, which came into force on **January 1, 1952** and has since undergone amendments to adapt to current needs.

What is Industrial Property Right?
**Industrial property right** is a broader term encompassing rights such as patents, trademarks, and designs. It grants exclusive control to the right holder over the production, sale, and offering of products bearing distinctive names and symbols, like trademarks or trade names, in industrial fields for a limited period.

What is a Trademark?
A trademark is a symbol, image, letter, or similar sign used to promote a commercial product and distinguish it from similar goods. A trademark serves as a distinctive sign that represents the entirety of a business. Its main functions are to identify the source, guarantee the product, and serve as an advertising tool. Citizens of Turkey and foreign nationals covered under international agreements can apply for trademark registration.

What is a Patent?
A patent is an exclusive right granted to the patent holder for a limited time and territory, allowing them to prevent others from producing, selling, using, or importing the invention without permission. The document certifying this right is called a **Patent Certificate**, which prohibits others from commercially exploiting the patented invention without the patent holder's consent.

What is a Design?
A design refers to the appearance of a product or part of it, or decoration on it, derived from features like lines, shapes, forms, colors, materials, or surface texture. A designer is the person who creates the design subject to protection.


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